
Showing posts from 2024

Introduction to Water Resource Planning and Management

  Full Content Water Resource Part Definition Empirical method of Flood Peak Estimation Rational Equation Unit hydrograph technique Flood frequency studies Rational Method Time of Concentration Rainfall Intensity Characteristics of Empirical Formulae Dickens Formula Ryves Formula Inglis Formula Fullers Formula Baird and Mcillwraith(1951) Estimation of Flood from Frequency Analysis Probable density function (PDF) Plotting Position Probability(PPP) Determination of the Flood Magnitude Hydrologic Frequency Analysis Adjustment for Urbanization Urban Adjustment Factor(Leopold,1968) Probable Maximum Precipitation Management Part Statistics Outlier Detection Correlation : Auto and Cross Runs Test Weibuls Formula Decision Making MCDM Analytical Hierarchy Process ELECTRE Optimization Techniques

Annual International Conference

  Fellowship/Job Opportunities Postdoc position available at Clemson University The Department of Agricultural Sciences and the South Carolina Water Resources Center at Clemson University invite qualified candidates to apply for the Postdoctoral Research position. Focus - Water demand projections, planning and management Contact person- Dr. Prakash Khedun (Email: ) Postdoc position at the University of Twente, The Netherlands Remote sensing of estuarine mudflats with Professor Daphne van der Wal, (University of Twente, The Netherlands): Click here to know more: Research Fellow at the Institute of California's Water Policy Center The Public Policy Institute of California's Water Policy Center is hiring a Research Fellow with a background in engineering, physical sciences, or related discipline and with experience and a keen interest in water/natural resources policy. We are interested in applications from recent